NRL artificial intelligence team win 2 video awards (w/ Video)

NRL artificial intelligence team win prestigious video awards

Robot "Octavia," featured in "Robotic Secrets Revealed," demonstrates cognitive robotics being developed at NRL. Credit: NRL Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence. Researchers at NRL's Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence, within the laboratory's Information Technology Division (ITD), received two top awards at the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) held in California. Selecting from a cadre of 39 competitor videos, IJCAI awarded the NRL films with top honors in the categories of "Best Overall" and "Most Informative."Since 2006, the Artificial Intelligence research community has held this prestigiously honored competition for videos documenting exciting artificial intelligence advances in research, education and application and that are accessible to a broad on-line audience.

"We are very excited to have won not just one, but two awards in our first year entering this competition," said Dr. Greg Trafton, section head, NRL Intelligent Systems Section. "Both videos are extremely entertaining and display the top-notch research currently occurring in artificial intelligence and robotics at NRL"