Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS) is conceived as an institute for applied research, covering the general area of information technology and computer science. One of the main contributions of KICS is its open source development lab which targets development, usage, modification and customization of open source tools and software. We are gathering best talent in the field at one place, providing an environment of innovation.
KICS is organizing OSSW-2009 in association with ICOSST-2009, be held on 19-22 December, 2009, to bring together academia and software industry researchers and practitioners from across the world to share their ideas and experiences related to the state-of-the-art and the future of open-source software.
KICS tends to attract a diverse audience of Open Source Software (OSS) researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and public administration who will come together to present research papers and tutorials addressing the cutting edge open-source research and development in the critical areas.
This event consists of two days of OSSW-2009 and one day of ICOSST-2009 activities. Workshop and conference programs are enclosed along with an overview of talks. Please refer to conference website for further information . Kindly encourage your students, faculty/staff members to take full advantage of this unique opportunity. For registration please conference website. An early registration will guarantee availability of seat.